Results for 'Fariza btMd Sham'

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  1.  8
    Kajian ilmu-ilmu Islam: prosiding wacana akademik.Fariza btMd Sham, Faudzinaim Badaruddin & Kamal Mujani (eds.) - 1999 - Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia: Penerbit Fakulti Pengajia Sia.
    Islamic theory of knowledge and philosophy; papers of a meeting.
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    Acquisition and extinction in autoshaping.Sham Kakade & Peter Dayan - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):533-544.
  3. Benefits of multisensory learning.Ladan Shams & Aaron R. Seitz - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (11):411-417.
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    El dinamismo transformador del agua y de la luz en Atisbos de luz de Bella Clara Ventura.Jorge Chen Sham - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:189-201.
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  5. al-Shifa3.Shams Inati - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi, An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--226.
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    An Examination of Ibn Sīnā’s Theodicy.Shams Constantine Inati - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (2):170-186.
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    Science of the cosmos and the soul =.Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī - 2014 - Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers. Edited by Gholamreza Dadkhah.
    Acknowledgements -- List of illustrations -- Table of transliteration -- Introduction: Shams al-Din Samarqandi: his life and training -- Works and thought -- Science of the cosmos and the soul ('Ilm al-afaq wa al-anfus) -- Manuscripts used in preparing this edition -- Sources -- Persian and Arabic texts [1-287].
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  8. al-Shifu'.Shams Inati - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi, An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--241.
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  9. Ḥaqāyiq-i panhān.Shams al-Ḥaqq Shams - 2011 - [Afghanistan]: Maṭbaʻah-i Zāhid.
    Theological anthropology in Islam, philosophy of Islamic education and aspects of success.
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  10. Integration in the brain-the subconscious alteration of visual perception by cross-modal integration.L. Shams - 2002 - Science and Consciousness Review 1:1-4.
  11. Pursishʹhā-yi abadī: guzārish-i asāsī az chand baḥs̲-i falsafī.Manṣūr Shams - 2001 - Tihrān: Anjuman-i Maʻārif-i Islāmī-i Īrān.
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    Diferencias culturales y tolerancia: principio humanitario y bildungsroman en Cartas marruecas y en El Periquillo Sarniento.Jorge Chen Sham - 2013 - Aisthesis 53:95-113.
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    Do-not-resuscitate decision: the attitudes of medical and non-medical students.C. O. Sham, Y. W. Cheng, K. W. Ho, P. H. Lai, L. W. Lo, H. L. Wan, C. Y. Wong, Y. N. Yeung, S. H. Yuen & A. Y. C. Wong - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5):261-265.
    Objectives: To study the attitudes of both medical and non-medical students towards the do-not-resuscitate decision in a university in Hong Kong, and the factors affecting their attitudes.Methods: A questionnaire-based survey conducted in the campus of a university in Hong Kong. Preferences and priorities of participants on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in various situations and case scenarios, experience of death and dying, prior knowledge of DNR and basic demographic data were evaluated.Results: A total of 766 students participated in the study. There were statistically (...)
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    al-Baḥth al-dilālī fī al-Qurʼān al-Karīm li-Ṣadr al-Mutaʼillihīn al-mutawaffá 1050H.Khālid Ḥuwayr Shams - 2020 - ʻAmmān: Markaz al-Kitāb al-Akādīmī.
    الكتاب إجالة دلالية في عالم صدر المتألهين الشيرازي المعروف بملا صدرا، صاحب الحكمة المتعالية، إذ أنتج ثلاثية تتكون من الفلسفة والعرفان، واللغة، فبحث المؤلف عن تأثيراتها في المعنى القرآني، ودرس تجلياته، من جهة مباحث الألفاظ، وتصورات ملا صدرا عن مفهوم الدلالة، وأنواعها، مع بيان العلاقات الدلالية من قبيل الترادف، والمشترك، والتضاد، والتنمية اللغوية، بلحاظ ترك الأثر المعرفي على تلك الألفاظ، ومن جهة التركيب، في الجمل وما يطرأ عليها، ومن جهة السياق اللفظي، والمقامي، والسببي، وماله من أثر في تحقيق تماسك النص، (...)
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    Ibn Sīnā and mysticism: Remarks and admonitions, part four.Shams Constantine Inati - 1996 - New York: Kegan Paul International. Edited by Avicenna.
    Few figures have been of such enduring importance as Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna (980-1037 AD), the great Persian philosopher and physician of the Abassid period. This work is a study of the fourth part of Ibn Sina's late and most comprehensive book al-Isharat wat-Tanbihat, Remarks and Admonitions, a book which Ibn Sine describes as 'the cream of the truth', containing 'the best pieces of wisdom' expressed 'in sensitive words'. The present volume includes an introduction, discussing the nature of (...)
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  16.  41
    The Governance of Economies and the Economics of Governance.Safi Shams - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):179-190.
    Nearly all fractions within the political, economic, and social spheres gave responses to the recent financial crisis. In broad terms, both left-leaning and right-leaning scholars and commentators presented their explanations for the crisis, with confident agendas defining ‘what is wrong’ and how to deal with it. However, as intellectual history shows us, most of those explanations were no less fascinating precisely because they shared more that they acknowledged. A major divide has been over the role of governments in coordinating markets, (...)
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  17. Falsafat al-zaman wa-taqsīmuhu fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī.Mājid ʻAbd Allāh Shams - 2007 - Ḥalab: Dār al-Nahj.
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  18. Ḥadīs̲-i inqilāb.Shams Āl Aḥmad - 1979 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Ravāq.
    jild-i 1. Āzādī va marzʹhāyash -- jild-i 2. Istiqlāl (farhangī).
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    al-Tiryāq li-kull tawwāq al-umm.Khālid Rāshid Shamlī - 2018 - al-Iskandarīyah: al-Dār al-ʻĀlamīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Muḥammad Aḥmad Hāshim.
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  20.  27
    Dictionary of Classical Mythology by Jenny March.Michael Sham - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (4):576-577.
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    Generational changes in height and body mass differences between british asians and the general population in Glasgow.Manfusa Shams & Rory Williams - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1):101-109.
    A weighted total of 630 pupils aged 1440. Among 1440-year-olds, especially females. Among 3015-year-old Glasgow Asians 86% were so born, indicating that they are the children of migrants. Generational differences in these comparisons cannot be due to positive selection of the migrant generation for height, and are attributed to improved environment, including nutrition and public health measures. This suggests the possibility of corresponding improvements in coronary and diabetic risk.
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    Revisiting The Father: Precarity and subversive performativity.Parisa Shams - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):289-302.
    The ambiguity of August Strindberg’s approach to women has engendered varying interpretations, including accusations of misogyny. Among his allegedly misogynistic plays is the 1887 naturalistic masterpiece, The Father. Chronologically coinciding with the rise of the women’s movement in Sweden, The Father, rather than endorsing a misogynistic culture, allows for an alternative reading that contributes to the destabilisation of gender binaries and an understanding of gender identities as relational and performative. In its portrayal of a fierce struggle between a seemingly diabolic (...)
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    Theoretical Model Development for Energy Motion of Dusty Turbulent Flow of Fibre Suspensions in a Rotational Frame.Shams Forruque Ahmed - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    Fibre suspension has garnered considerable attention in turbulent flows that are used in many industries. Solid particles, such as dust particles, notably affect the turbulent flow field in a rotational frame. In assessing their impacts, the dusty turbulent flow for fibre suspensions needs to be studied in a frame of rotation that can be substantially applied in many industries. This study, therefore, aims to build a theoretical model for the energy motion of dusty turbulent flow of fibre suspensions in a (...)
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    Falsafat al-kamāl nūr al-anwār.Shābū Karbiyāl Shamʻūn - 1983 - [Beirut?]: S.K. Shamʻūn.
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    Multiobjective Parallel Algorithms for Solving Biobjective Open Shop Scheduling Problem.Seyed Hassan Shams Lahroudi, Farzaneh Mahalleh & Seyedsaeid Mirkamali - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Open Shop Scheduling Problem is one of the most important scheduling problems in the field of engineering and industry. This kind of problem includes m machines and n jobs, each job contains a certain number of operations, and each operation has a predetermined processing time on its corresponding machine. The order of processing of these operations affects the completion times of all jobs. Therefore, the purpose of OSSP is to achieve a proper order of processing of jobs using specified machines, (...)
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  26. Ibn Slna.Shams Inati - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr, The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--231.
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    Ibn Sina's Remarks and Admonitions : Physics and Metaphysics : An Analysis and Annotated Translation.Shams C. Inati (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book provides the first annotated English translation of Physics and Metaphysics and edits the original Arabic text on which the translation is based where it is corrupt or incomprehensible.
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    The problem of evil: Ibn Sina's theodicy.Shams Constantine Inati - 2017 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    The problem of evil: formulation and historical solutions -- Analysis of the theories of evil of Ibn Sînâ's predecessors -- Ibn Sînâ's analysis of metaphysical evil -- Ibn Sînâ's notion of moral evil -- Ibn Sînâ's solution for the problem of evil and the problem of destiny.
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  29. Rawḍat al-nāẓir fī sharḥ nafs al-amr.Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Kīshī - 2014 - In Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā & Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī, Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad. Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhuhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
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    Relationship Among Green Human Resource Management, Green Knowledge Sharing, Green Commitment, and Green Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model.Kalimullah Khan, Muhammad Shahid Shams, Qaisar Khan, Sher Akbar & Murtaza Masud Niazi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to examine the underlying mechanism of the relationship between perceived green human resource management and perceived employee green behavior. By drawing on attitude and social exchange theories, we examined green commitment as a mediator and green knowledge sharing as a moderator of the GHRM–EGB relationship. The study employs partial least square structural equation modeling to analyze 329 responses. Data were collected in two time lags. The empirical results confirmed that GC mediates the relationship between GHRM and EGB. (...)
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  31. al-Madkhal li-dirāsat al-qānūn.Shams al-Dīn Wakīl - 1962 - al-Iskandarīyah,: Munshaʼat al-Maʻārif.
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    Assessing the interplay between Open Innovation and Sustainability‐Oriented Innovation: A systematic literature review and a research agenda.Andrea Urbinati, Zahra Shams Esfandabadi & Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1078-1095.
    Open Innovation and Sustainability-Oriented Innovation are undoubtedly two of the most debated topics of the last decades, gaining the interest of policymakers, practitioners, and scholars all over the world. Even if they have been usually described as two independent research fields, there are some emblematic examples presenting interplay and synergy between these topics, represented either by the hybrid perspectives of Open Sustainable Innovation, that is, the Open Innovation approach acting as an enabler of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, and Sustainable Open Innovation, which (...)
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    Psychological Capital, Emotional Labour, and Burnout among Malaysian Workers.Al-Shams Abdul Wahid, Muhamad Khalil Omar & Idaya Husna Mohd - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:292-316.
    Burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment, is an occupational phenomenon now recognized by the World Health Organization. This study explores the interplay between psychological capital and emotional labour in contributing to burnout among workers in a Malaysian non-profit organization (NPO). Psychological capital encompasses positive psychological states such as self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. Emotional labour involves managing emotions to fulfil job roles, often requiring workers to present emotions that may not reflect their true (...)
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    The decision-making and changing behavioural dynamics of potential higher education students: the impacts of increasing tuition fees in England.Stephen Wilkins, Farshid Shams & Jeroen Huisman - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (2):125-141.
  35. Miʻyār al-ʻilm fī al-manṭiq.Ahmad Ghazzali & Shams al-din - 1990 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah. Edited by Ahmad Shamsuddin.
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    Book Review: The Explanation of Social Action by John Levi Martin. [REVIEW]Safi Shams - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (3):394-399.
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  37. Visual Learning in Multisensory Environments.Robert A. Jacobs & Ladan Shams - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (2):217-225.
    We study the claim that multisensory environments are useful for visual learning because nonvisual percepts can be processed to produce error signals that people can use to adapt their visual systems. This hypothesis is motivated by a Bayesian network framework. The framework is useful because it ties together three observations that have appeared in the literature: (a) signals from nonvisual modalities can “teach” the visual system; (b) signals from nonvisual modalities can facilitate learning in the visual system; and (c) visual (...)
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    Nuzhat al-arwāḥ wa-rawḍat al-afrāḥ: fī tārīkh al-ḥukamāʼ wa-al-falāsifah.Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Maḥmūd Shahrazūrī - 1976 - Haydarābād, al-Hind: Maṭbaʻat Majlis Dāʼirat al-Maʻārif al-ʻUthmānīyah. Edited by al-Sayyid Khurshīd Aḥmad.
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    Fīzyāʼ al-faylasūf: dirāsah tafṣīlīyah fī baʻḍ aḥkām al-jism al-falsafīyah wa-lawāzimuhā fī al-Ilāhīyāt.Shams al-Dīn & Ḥusayn Ibrāhīm - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Maʻārif al-Ḥikmīyah.
  40. Kitāb al-Ādāb.Shams al-Khilāfah & Jaʻfar ibn Muḥammad - 1993 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Khānjī. Edited by Muḥammad Amīn Khānjī.
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    Novel Evaluation of the Fractional Acoustic Wave Model with the Exponential-Decay Kernel.Rabab Alyusof, Shams Alyusof, Naveed Iqbal & Mohammad Asif Arefin - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    This study employs a newly developed methodology called the variational homotopy perturbation transformation method to study fractional acoustic wave equations. The motivation for this study is to extend the variational homotopy perturbation technique to the variational homotopy perturbation transformation technique in the sense of the Yang–Caputo–Fabrizio operator. The suggested method demonstrated a straightforward and accurate technique for investigating fractional-order partial differential equations. The technique’s validity is demonstrated through the use of several illustrative instances. The obtained answers were found to be (...)
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    The effect of statistical learning on internal stimulus representations: Predictable items are enhanced even when not predicted.Brandon K. Barakat, Aaron R. Seitz & Ladan Shams - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):205-211.
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    Associations Between Social Capital and Depressive Symptoms Among College Students in 12 Countries: Results of a Cross-National Study.Insa Backhaus, Andrea Ramirez Varela, Selina Khoo, Katja Siefken, Alyson Crozier, Edvaldo Begotaraj, Jascha Wiehn, Beth A. Lanning, Po-Hsiu Lin, Soong-Nang Jang, Luciana Zaranza Monteiro, Ali Al-Shamli, Giuseppe La Torre & Ichiro Kawachi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  44. Collection, storage and use of blood samples for future research: views of Egyptian patients expressed in a cross-sectional survey.A. Abou-Zeid, H. Silverman, M. Shehata, M. Shams, M. Elshabrawy, T. Hifnawy, S. A. Rahman, B. Galal, H. Sleem, N. Mikhail & N. Moharram - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):539-547.
    Objective To determine the attitudes of Egyptian patients regarding their participation in research and with the collection, storage and future use of blood samples for research purposes. Design Cross-sectional survey. Study population Adult Egyptian patients (n=600) at rural and urban hospitals and clinics. Results Less than half of the study population (44.3%) felt that informed consent forms should provide research participants the option to have their blood samples stored for future research. Of these participants, 39.9% thought that consent forms should (...)
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    Perception, as you make it.David W. Vinson, Drew H. Abney, Dima Amso, Anthony Chemero, James E. Cutting, Rick Dale, Jonathan B. Freeman, Laurie B. Feldman, Karl J. Friston, Shaun Gallagher, J. Scott Jordan, Liad Mudrik, Sasha Ondobaka, Daniel C. Richardson, Ladan Shams, Maggie Shiffrar & Michael J. Spivey - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e260.
    The main question that Firestone & Scholl (F&S) pose is whether “what and how we see is functionally independent from what and how we think, know, desire, act, and so forth” (sect. 2, para. 1). We synthesize a collection of concerns from an interdisciplinary set of coauthors regarding F&S's assumptions and appeals to intuition, resulting in their treatment of visual perception as context-free.
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    Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations.Max Lam, Chia-Yen Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Alicia R. Martin, Julien Bryois, Xixian Ma, Helena Gaspar, Masashi Ikeda, Beben Benyamin, Brielin C. Brown, Ruize Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Guan, Yoichiro Kamatani, Sung-Wan Kim, Michiaki Kubo, Agung Kusumawardhani, Chih-Min Liu, Hong Ma, Sathish Periyasamy, Atsushi Takahashi, Zhida Xu, Hao Yu, Feng Zhu, Wei J. Chen, Stephen Faraone, Stephen J. Glatt, Lin He, Steven E. Hyman, Hai-Gwo Hwu, Steven A. McCarroll, Benjamin M. Neale, Pamela Sklar, Dieter B. Wildenauer, Xin Yu, Dai Zhang, Bryan J. Mowry, Jimmy Lee, Peter Holmans, Shuhua Xu, Patrick F. Sullivan, Stephan Ripke, Michael C. O’Donovan, Mark J. Daly, Shengying Qin, Pak Sham, Nakao Iwata, Kyung S. Hong, Sibylle G. Schwab, Weihua Yue, Ming Tsuang, Jianjun Liu, Xiancang Ma, René S. Kahn, Yongyong Shi & Hailiang Huang - 2019 - Nature Genetics 51 (12):1670-1678.
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    Prior expectation of objects in space is dependent on the direction of gaze.Brian Odegaard, Ulrik R. Beierholm, Jason Carpenter & Ladan Shams - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):220-226.
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    Impact of internet usage on consumer impulsive buying behavior of agriculture products: Moderating role of personality traits and emotional intelligence.Wei Jie, Petra Poulova, Syed Arslan Haider & Rohana Binti Sham - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    E-commerce has led to a significant increase in internet purchases. The marketing sector is very competitive these days, and marketers have a difficult task: understanding the behavior of their customers. Strategic marketing planning relies heavily on consumer behavior since the consumer acts as the user, buyer, and payer in that process. Consumers’ behavior changes in response to shifts in the factors that influence it. The purpose of this research is to show how Internet usage influence on consumer impulsive buying behavior (...)
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    Islam and Sport: From Human Experiences to Revelation.Baidruel Hairiel Abd Rahim, Nurazzura Mohamad Diah, Haizuran Mohd Jani & Abdul Sham Ahmad - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):413-430.
    Sport is viewed as a multidimensional phenomenon. Most countries,including Muslim nations, invest heavily in sports to ensure the participationof their citizens both for recreational and competitive purposes. Indeed, theinvolvement of Muslim countries in significant multi-sport events such as theCommonwealth, the Asian, and the Olympic Games are inevitable. Therefore,a proper projection should be given to Muslim athletes as their participationreflects the identity and culture of Muslim civilizations. To date, the issue ofMuslim athlete’s involvement in sports from the notion of Islamization hasyet (...)
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    Environmental Sustainability and Adaptations in Indus Basin.Dr Shahana Maryam, Dr Nor Azlah Sham Rambely, Mohamed Ali Haniffa & Dr Siti Alwaliyah Mansor - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:692-704.
    The Indus Basin's advantageous climate and topography rendered it a prime site for the implementation of an irrigation system. This study looks at how the Indus Basin is affected by climate change. Changes in water flow, glacial/snow melt, and catchment areas in the Indus and its tributaries are revealed by trend analysis from hydro-logical stations. A network of canals constituted of trans-boundary rivers was built beside the Indus River System (IRS), soon after the implementation of the Indus Water Treaty, about (...)
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